En före detta kollega sa "Hästskötare är man ju innan man listat ut vad man vill göra egentligen." Oh vad chockad jag blev av att höra det för jag tycker att det coolaste som finns måste vara att kunna ta hand om ett helt stall med hästar, tillgodose alla dess behov, kunna kroppsarbeta ute och inne året om, ha kunskap om sjukdomar, foder och hovvård, kunna passa utrustning och ge hästen individuell motion och träning. Detta tar flera år och man lär sig hela tiden nya saker av andra yrkeskunniga och av hästarna själva. Jag lär mig nya saker varje dag och får många chanser att förbättra mina kunskaper.
Alla är speciella, alla är värda att bli älskade precis så som de är!
My life is now 90% horses and it suits me very well, although it's a little bit boring for those who only want to see vintage decoratings and fluffy skirts. Hard and dirty work, long days and great responsibility. I have not slept so good during the nights since I was a little child. Life in the big city did not suit us, we were exploding in our 9 square meters for living and although I loved my job, I longed for the four-legged so it hurted in my heart. It is difficult for non-horse people to understand the love of these animals, but there is a sense of meaning in the work. A collaboration between horse and human that we work together. Everything I do near a horse is a collaboration. If I open a box door, the horse will back in so I can get in, I'm holding up the halter so that the horse can easily put in the head, then the horse waits until I open the box door completely and gives the signal for us to start walking. Nothing is a coincidence, it's a constant interaction because it's an animal with incredible instincts that can very easily hurt me if I'm not paying attention.
A former colleague said "You work with horses before you figure out what you really want to do." Oh, how shocked I was to hear it because I think the coolest thing is to be able to take care of a whole stable of horses, meet all its needs, be able to work with the body all year long, have knowledge of diseases, feed and hoof care, able to fit equipment and give the horse individual exercise. This takes several years and you are constantly learning new things by other professionals and by the horses themselves. I learn new things every day and also gets many chanses to improve my skills.
Every horse is special, every horse deserve to be loved just the way they are!
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